Early Vote July 17-August 1 🗹 Election Day August 6

Meet Abigail

PhotoAbigail Tylor – a Nashville native, graduate of Metro Schools, Metro Schools parent, and former Metro Schools teacher – is seeking election to the Nashville School Board for District 9. She has a long history of serving the community in a wide variety of roles and has earned wide support for her campaign to serve the people of Bellevue, Charlotte Park, Cherokee Park, Hillwood, Richland, Sylvan Park, and West Meade.

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As someone who has deep familiarity with Metro Nashville Public Schools – as a graduate, a teacher, and a parent – Abigail Tylor is eager and qualified to have an immediate and positive impact on our schools. Among the key issues she will take on:

* Value our teachers
* Fully fund Metro Schools
* Reduce and realign standardized testing
* Fight privatization of our schools
* Increase social and emotional learning supports

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